On Mondays we like to share a short format interview with one of our wider Gather community members. Just a handful of questions with a generous helping of everyday inspiration to tuck into over your morning cuppa. This week, meet Daisy.
Daisy has selected this week's coffee vibe for you with, Love is Back by musician, Celeste:
Daisy Grant
"Not everyone has your best interests at heart. But just keep trying hard and doing your best! You will find what feels like home and you will find all your people."

What part(s) of the world do you call home?
South East London is the first place I ever really felt at home, and I moved there two and a half years ago. I think it’s funny that it took until I was in my twenties to find this feeling, considering I’ve lived all over the place! Right now, I’m unexpectedly living in Sevenoaks. Not my first choice, but I am so grateful to call it home at the moment. Because it’s so lush here, I am now utterly obsessed with birds– goldfinches are my current favourite!
I grew up in Bury St Edmunds and then moved to Perth, Western Australia when I was twelve. The minute I graduated from University I moved to Edinburgh during the Fringe (big mistake) then slowly made my way down to the other capital. My partner is from Pembrokeshire so I now feel endlessly thankful that I get to call that part of Wales another one of my many homes. SE London has my heart though!
What is your industry, hustle, current project or passion?
Podcasting! I’m currently entering a new phase in my career, leaving behind hospitality (thank god) to turn my side-hustle into a full-time freelancing gig. I’d been grinding in hospo since 2013, so it’s been a long time coming for me. I hate to sound like one of those annoying people who says the pandemic motivated them… but the pandemic motivated me to change paths and, according to the tarot cards my girlfriend read to me last night, I made the right decision.
I currently produce Come As You Are and The Body Protest, two podcasts that I’m super proud of and know you’ll love if you’re a part of Gather! I’m passionate about amplifying marginalised voices and collaborating on projects that excite me!
What’s an important moment that signified a first step towards where you are today? A friend asked me to make a podcast with her – simple as! It had crossed my mind a couple of times but having someone to work with really encourages me to do my best and work really hard. We created Harness and I learnt how to do everything on the job, from interviewing to editing to writing professional emails! I wouldn’t be able to do my job if it wasn’t for Harness. It was really hard but always so rewarding.
Another moment (that I mentioned above) was the pandemic. I had to go back to work when I, and the majority of my colleagues, felt unsafe. We made it up as we went along. I then contracted covid and it really made me think about what I wanted in life. Working a job where I served avocado toast to often ungrateful, and frankly disrespectful, customers whilst risking my health just made NO SENSE. The day after I got covid, I got kicked out of my flat and everything just seemed to open up. I quit my job, moved to my partner’s grandparents’ and recovered. The recovery took months, and I slowly began to sow the seeds for my new career. Having supportive friends and a wonderful partner meant I was really encouraged to dive in. I made contacts during the time I spent making Harness, plenty of whom, luckily, were other creatives interested in podcasting. I’m still very much at the start of my journey but I feel really optimistic about my ability to sustain myself with my plan!
Capitalism has made me feel guilty if I don’t constantly work hard, but I am definitely unlearning this and concentrating on more intuitive fulfilment. I’ve definitely arrived at this place by working bloody hard, but I’ve also been lucky, and have realised that you have to be open to unexpected opportunities as they arise!
What is a moment you are proud of? Recognising my need to slow down. Recognising that I don’t have to please everyone. Recognising that I don’t need to be friends with everyone. Realising that I don’t have to do anything that I don’t enjoy. This series of moments occurred over the course of last year, when everyone’s life was flipped!
What advice would you give your younger self today? Not everyone has your best interests at heart. But just keep trying hard and doing your best! You will find what feels like home and you will find all your people.
In one word, what is the most important thing to you in life?
Lame - but whatever. I fell in love last year. It’s been the most amazing thing in the world. I’m a massive cliché and I don’t care.
Where can we find you?
@daisykrg on Instagram is where I spend the majority of my time. I would share my TikTok handle but it’s way too embarrassing and I’m not quite willing to share my lame attempts at dance trends with you, dear reader (even if I secretly think I’m brilliant).